Carnival 2022 G1ANT

In 2022 the Whitley Bay Carnival return to the usual date on the last Saturday in May with the colourful costumed walking parade at the heart of a full day of live music, street theatre and celebration from 10am till 8pm on rainbow corner Marine Avenue, The Links and the Spanish City Plaza. There was award winning eateries supplemented by street food and bars.The parade set off from Whitley Bay Metro Station at 11am and arrived on The Links at 12 noon via Station Road, Whitley Road, Park View and Marine Avenue.

For the first time the Whitley Bay carnival told a story.A group of lab rats grown huge in size and intellect have escaped from a scientific research project and taken boats to a seaside town called Whitley Bay. Their task to tell the people the truth, to spread the word that ‘no 1 is an island’ and that the Fat Cats are dangerous, the Fat Cats don’t care about anything but their profits. So together the giant rats and the people hatch a plan to teach them a lesson and help them to change.Led by the giant rats the fat cats will join the parade believing they are the guests of honour followed by representations of all the positive forces in our lives.Parade begins 11am Saturday 28th May at Whitley Bay Metro Station. Find out more on the Whitley Bay 2022 Carnival website or the Whitley Bay 2022 Carnival FaceBook page
Community Clubs The carnival is created in community carnival clubs hosted by groups and schools and in schools workshops in the area. Carnival clubs are the place for you if you want to come along regularly and get involved in big makes as well as costumes. The clubs usually start in January. We will share open Carnival club venues and times on Facebook Whitley Bay Carnival.

If you just want to dip your toe in come along to one of our May Saturday drop in sessions at Whitley Bay Big Local 158 Whitley Road.Come along on your own, with a friend, a neighbour or the whole family, make a costume and join the parade. Each Saturday in May from 10.00 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 15.00 our carnival artists will be there with materials and tools and lots of help.

Want to join the carnival parade this year but can’t make it to the carnival club ? We could have a flock of home birds in the parade on May 28. Here is how you can make your home bird costume. Watch this space for how to make the headgear or come to Whitley Bay big local 158 Whitley Road on one of the Saturdays in May from 10-12 or 13-15 and our artists will be there to help you create your beautiful bird head

Want to join the band?
We have two open access carnival bands who rehearse weekly during term time at Rockcliffe First School.Open to all ages and abilities.Spanish City Rollers are a brass and woodwind band – just bring your instrument and come along on Wednesdays 6pm – 7.30pmDrumatic samba band meet on Thursdays from 6.30pm – 8.30pm, all instruments provided.Join our sponsors and help us keep carnival on the road.
For more information see www.whitleybaycarnival.co.uk and Facebook Whitley Bay Carnival Whitley Bay Carnival is produced by SALTo Arts Productions in partnership with Whitley Bay Big Local Creative Civic Change, North Tyneside Council with support from Arts Council England, Big Lottery and local businesses Pantrinis, Di Meo’s Ices and Fishermans Bay.